


Policy Regarding Organized Crime Groups
As a socially responsible company, K.K. BiT&Company establishes the following basic policy to prevent damage caused by organized crime groups and other anti-social forces, and commits to adhering to it:
1. We will completely sever all ties with organized crime groups.
2. To prepare for unjust demands from organized crime groups, we will strengthen our collaboration with external specialist organizations such as the police and lawyers.
3. We will never provide funds or engage in transactions with organized crime groups.
4. In response to unjust demands from organized crime groups, we will address them as an organization as a whole and prioritize ensuring the safety of the employees involved.
5. We will take a resolute stance in response to unjust demands from organized crime groups, including taking legal countermeasures from both civil and criminal aspects.

K.K. BiT & Company
Shun Miyamoto, Representative

Privacy Policy
This policy serves to inform you about the purpose, scope of use, and procedures for handling personal information.

1. Definitions: The definitions of terms in this policy adhere to those outlined in the “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” and related regulations.

2. Acquisition of Personal Information:
A. Personal information is obtained by lawful and appropriate means within the scope necessary to achieve the disclosed or notified purpose of use.
B. Consent of the individual is generally obtained before acquiring sensitive personal information.

3. Use of Personal Information:
Personal information is used for purposes such as contract fulfillment, communication related to transactions, client information management, legal rights and obligations, and record keeping as required by law.

4. Management of Outsourced Services:
External service providers are selected based on their ability to maintain an adequate level of personal information protection. Clear obligations are established through contracts, and ongoing supervision and audits ensure proper handling.

5. Joint Use of Personal Data:
Personal data may be jointly used for achieving business objectives by designated parties, including health insurance associations and employee stockholding associations.

6. Third-party Provision of Personal Data:
Personal data is only provided to third parties under specific circumstances, including legal requirements, necessity for achieving stated purposes, and protection of life, health, or property.

7. Security Measures:
Robust security measures are implemented to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, tampering, or loss of personal information. These measures include organizational, human, physical, and technological safeguards.

8. Disclosure, Correction, Deletion, Suspension of Use, and Suspension of Third-party Provision of Personal Data: Requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of personal data usage can be made through the designated contact point. Requests are processed in compliance with relevant laws and regulations after confirming the identity of the requester.

9. Compliance with Laws:
We are committed to adhering to all relevant laws, guidelines, and standards regarding the protection of personal information.

K.K. BiT & Company
Shun Miyamoto, Representative  

Information Security Policy
To achieve our mission of maintaining high corporate ethics regarding information security and safeguarding our customers’ information assets from all threats, we have established the following Information Security Policy to ensure thorough protection and implement it company-wide.

1. We will prevent unauthorized access, leaks, tampering, loss, and other risks to our information assets by implementing appropriate security measures and continuously improving them to adapt to societal changes.
2. We will conduct risk assessments for all targeted information assets and implement security measures tailored to each risk. 3. We will establish a clear management structure for information security and provide ongoing education and awareness to our employees on information security.
4. We will comply with information security regulations and other relevant norms.
5. We will uphold confidentiality obligations with our customers regarding information security as stipulated in contracts.
6. We will strive to prevent information security incidents and, in the event of an incident, address it promptly and take measures to prevent recurrence.

K.K. BiT & Company
Shun Miyamoto, Representative  

Compliance Policy
We hereby declate our commitment to conduct business activities with adherence to laws, regulations, and contracts, and to uphold high ethical standards. All individuals employed by our company are expected to act in accordance with this policy and strive continuously to earn the trust of various stakeholders.

1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations:
We commit to understanding and adhering to all applicable laws and contractual obligations.
2. Prohibition of Corruption:
We do not engage in bribery or any form of corruption, nor do we exploit our positions within the company for personal gain.
3. Prevention of Unfair Trading Practices:
We respect fair trade practices and refrain from activities that hinder fair competition in the market.
4. Prevention of Insider Trading:
We strictly prohibit insider trading or any other illicit trading practices based on privileged information.
5. Non-Retaliation Policy:
Individuals who report illegal or unethical behavior are protected from retaliation or adverse treatment.
6. Information Protection:
We rigorously manage all information obtained through our operations, including personal data, ensuring compliance with laws and contracts.
7. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights:
We safeguard our intellectual property rights and respect those of third parties, utilizing them appropriately.
8. Proper Information Handling and Disclosure:
We ensure accurate creation, management, and timely disclosure of business and financial information.
9. Respect for Human Rights:
We uphold human rights, refraining from discrimination based on nationality, race, gender, age, religion, social status, disability, or any other factors.
10. Maintenance of a Safe Working Environment:
We comply with labor laws and regulations, strive to prevent various forms of harassment, and maintain a conducive work environment.
11. Exclusion of Crimial Organizations:
We have no ties with any criminal organization(s), and firmly reject any attempts by such entities to establish relationships.

K.K. BiT & Company
Shun Miyamoto, Representative