Strategy Consulting

We provides expert Strategic Consulting services, focusing on Business Investments, Acquisitions, and thorough assessments of both External and Internal environments, essential for both start-up ventures and established enterprises seeking growth.


Service Overview

  1. IT Due Diligence:
    We conduct thorough evaluations of the IT Infrastructure, Software Systems, Data Management, Security Protocols, and IT Organizational Structure of target companies to ensure technological compatibility and identify potential risks.
  2. Business Due Diligence:
    We perform in-depth analysis of the Financial Health, Business Models, Operational Procedures, and Legal Frameworks of companies under consideration for investment or acquisition.
  3. Market Research and Industry Trend Surveys:
    We will investigate and analyze Market Dynamics, Consumer Behavior, and Prevailing Industry Trends to inform strategic decision-making and anticipate future market developments.

Service Process

(For IT Due Dilligence)

  1. Request for Disclosure of Materials
  2. Disclosure Survey
  3. Expert Interviews
  4. Final Report

We also accept consultations regarding other areas.

BiT & Company